IBM Owner Privileges

Technology Copywriting

Project: IBM‘s consumer program to sell software and hardware.

Result: Increased response rate from <1% to >7%!

Technology CopywritingConsumer Electronics Copywriting  Affinity Program Copywriting



























Why robots will never take over copywriting

While writing for technology can be a science in and of itself, robots will not be taking our jobs away. How can I be so sure? Emotion. The one things robots cannot “compute” is the human factor. The buying experience is not based on rational thought. In fact, it’s quite irrational. We first make our decision based on how we “feel” THEN we justify it through data and facts. We buy the sexy sports car not because of the features and functions alone – we pick one based on how it make us feel. What we perceive the car to be. It fulfills a need. It scratches an itch. It’s emotions that compel us, it’s facts that keep us away.

So when you are putting together your B2B copy or even B2C remember this – how does my customer want to feel? Hit that button then give them the facts on why your product or service is the best! Oh and remember to be concise. There’s no need to go on and on. Once you have the emotional hook right, the rest is all relative. So if you are developing a program that writes copy, a good writer will whoop your program every time.


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